Tuesday 31 October 2017


Because we decided to change our music video idea we had to change the song in order to fit the new idea. Therefore we chose the song DJ got us fallin in love by Usher. The lyrics in the song relate to our video because in our music video it is shown that the DJ is shooting a cupid arrow at each girl making them fall in love with the gym instructor.

Wednesday 18 October 2017


The lyrics are vital in our music video because we will need to make sure that our actors are able to lip sync to the song whilst dancing. This can be quite difficult and therefore we are going to limit the amount of lip syncing needed by cutting parts of the song and just dancing rather than singing to the music. 

Risk Assessment

  • As we will be using expensive gym equipment we will have to be careful when using some of the machines as they are very expensive and difficult to replace. 
  • We will also be using weights as well as the expensive gym equipment, so we will have to handle them with care as if we have an accident with any of the equipment then it could lead to a serious injury. 
  • We need to make sure that all the actors in our music video know the exercise routine off by heart so that our video looks professional and well presented. 
  • We will also be filming in one of our cars which could cause a potential risk as the filming may be a distraction to the driver.
  • As we will be filming in a gym, we will have to check in advance if we are allowed to film there and check the opening and closing times to avoid disappointment when it comes to our shoot day. 
  • We would also need to handle all the DJ equipment with care as it is expensive and hard to replace. 
  • The actors should stand an arms length apart during the exercise class to avoid hitting each other by accident and causing any injuries. 
  • Lastly, we need to make sure that none of our group lose or break the camera equipment as it is expensive and belongs to the school. To prevent this, we should make sure that we handle the equipment with care and keep it in a safe place when it is not being used. 



The feedback that we received was very useful in allowing us to see what mistakes we may have made and therefore what we can improve on. For example making improvements on getting each image in time with the music to enable us to visualise our music video clearer if each image matches the beat of the song. 


We created our anamatic by taking individual photos of each scene on the storyboard. After this we inserted them into a program called 'iMovie' and adding the soundtrack to it. Creating our anamatic really helped us to gain an insight into the way that the music and scenes work together. It allowed us to visualise our idea and narrative better as well as how we are going to film them. Furthermore we learnt how to rhythmically cut to the beat and therefore we were able to match what was happening on the screen to the music. As well as this it also helped us to realise what camera angles that we wanted to include in our music video for example, more wide shots of the dancers exercising to cut on the beat alongside the close-ups of their routines. Moving forward we know that we need to improve on a few things, one of which is the length of the shots that we took as the shot duration was too long, as well as possibly adding another narrative strand or focus more on the DJ in the studio as this well help to enhance the video and sell the artists image.