Tuesday, 6 June 2017



Beyonce’s genre is pop. At the beginning of the music video ‘sorry’ there is a narrative of Beyonce speaking. This emphasises on the meaning of the words and music video to the song. The star of the music video is the vocalist who lip syncs the whole song. Whenever the beat drops the camera shots to the vocalist back to the dancers which is showing her dominance.

Furthermore the music video is in black white which matches the lyrics ‘I aint sorry’. The black and white effect highlights negativity which links to the lyrics as she isn’t sorry. This also contradicts the genre being pop as most music videos featured in this category are brightly coloured.

The narrative says a lot about Beyonce. This is because her song is based on a real life situation. The song reveals what Beyonce went through as her husband Jay Z cheated on her. The lyrics ‘Sorry I aint sorry’ which represents her as an artist as not being sorry for acting as she did as she is the victim. It also represents her as an honest woman who likes to be treated with respect from how she reveals her emotions and the truth in the song. The lyrics which refer to her being cheated on are ‘he only want me when I'm not there he better call Becky with the good hair’. Highlighting ‘Becky’ being the mystery girl that her husband was having an affair with. The narrative also demonstrates the genre of pop as the song is about a relationship which a main stereotype within pop music.

Beyonce is trying to sell her image through the close ups of her lip syncing. There is also continuous close ups and mid shots of the main singer in order to emphasis on it being her song and to sell Beyonce’s image better. Lots of quick cuts to different scenes and back again repeatedly to emphasis her emotions on each beat. There is also lots of hand held shots on the bus to create verisimilitude to make the audience feel they are part of the video and feel like they are with Beyonce on the bus escaping from what she is claiming her husband having an affair.

The lyrics match the visuals when she says ‘I aint sorry’ at the beginning as she is sitting in a relaxed position showing how she doesn’t care.

 She also says ‘middle fingers up’ whilst raising her middle finger. 

 When she wipes her hands down her face she says ‘Now you wanna call me crying’. 

The quick cut of her saying ‘I aint thinking bout you’ matches the visuals as she is having a party on a bus which signifies how she doesn’t care as she is being occupied.

 One last lyric that matches the visuals is when she says ‘Looking at my watch he should’ve been home’ as she looks down to her wrist as if she wearing a watch.

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