Monday 16 January 2017

Editing techniques

Process where one shot is replaced on screen immediately by the next
Shot reverse shot
Cutting back and forth between people in a conversation
Eye line match
Cutting to show what a character is looking at
Camera time
When the camera focuses on a particular camera for a length of time to demonstrate emotion or seriousness
Match on action
Cutting to show another angle of the scene
Jump cut
Cutting out the middle section of a shot
Cross cutting
Cutting back and forth between two or more scenes happening simultaneously
One shot fades out as the next shot fades in
Fade out/Fade in
Image fades out to a blank screen, or fades in from a blank screen
Slow motion
What it says
Long take
A single continuous shot that does not cut for an unusual length of time
Fast paced/Slow paced editing
Editing is fast paced

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