Thursday, 16 February 2017


The picture above is showing a Facebook profile I made to represent the perfect audience member for my thriller sequence. This profile shows her interests such as what hobbies she likes, tv shows she watches, her music taste and the subjects she is studying. She represents a stereotypical teenage girl from her food taste such as pizza and sushi. Therefore from this I can see the perfect audience member for my thriller. 


 The target audience for my thriller is suitable for an age of 16 years this is because the producers are all 16 and 17 which means it is appropriate for this age group. It is also aimed for anyone above the age of 18 this is because most of the actors will be of similar ages ranging from 20-40, usually people tend to watch a movie when the actors are of a similar age to them as people can feel they relate or understand the base of the movie easier, where as if a young child aged 1-13 years watched our thriller they may not understand our story line as it is an intellectual story and children of this age have not yet learnt about diseases so they may not understand what is going on.

Teenagers ages 15-18 years will be interested in this movie because our thriller may relate to scientific topics that they’re studying at school and it is also frightening, which means that children under a certain age may get easily scared from it. On the other hand our secondary audience would be aimed at 20-30 years old this is because people of this age are in work and those of jobs in offices can relate to our thriller as our main setting is in an office. Furthermore in people’s free time they may go on walks or travel on public transport to places which relates to our thriller when the virus is being spread on the train.

Our film is aimed and both male and female audience, however it can lean to a more female audience as the main character is male which can attract the feminine sex, however the story line can lean more to men as men are more into gore and blood. I also think because the genre of our film being a thriller attracts more males we tried to subvert this by showing that not all thrillers attract men but women as well based on the characters rather than the story line.


Contagion is familiar to our thriller as it is based on an infection/virus that is being spread around the world. The target audience ratings of this movie relate to our thriller this is shown in the table below. This is because we tried aiming our thriller at ages of people under 18 which shows to be not that successful as the amount of votes for this age was 233 which in comparison to an older age group isnt a lot. We then said our secondary audience was adults ages 20-30 which was  a reasonably popular age for contagion. However the only difference is that for our thriller we were trying to attract more of a female audience rather than male. 

Another movie  similar to ours is  28 days later, this is about how an animal that has a virus gets freed resulting in the city being deserted. This relates to our thriller because a virus is being spread causing people to die which is the result of catching the virus/infection in our thriller. The target audience review for this shows there was more male votes than female votes, this shows the popularity of gender base in that our thriller should intern attract a larger male audience than female. These ratings also show that this movie attracted an older audience rather than a younger audience which contrasts with the aim for our movie is we feel that our thriller will attract a younger audience based on our actors and setting which is very different to the setting in 28 days later.  However our opinion on our target audience is very similar for ages 18-29 although that is our secondary audience we are still aiming for that to be one of our larger aged audience which is shown in the ratings below for 28 days later. 

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