Wednesday, 21 June 2017


The beginning when everything appears normal
Something happens to disrupt the normality 

When the character realise something has happened to them and they decide to act upon it
Attempt to restore
The act of trying to restore the normality 
New equilibrium
Everything is back to normal- except its not as its a new normality as things have changed after their journey

All narratives are structured in the same way be it films, TV dramas, radio plays or novels. 

All narratives have a beginning, middle and end although they don't necessarily come in that order. 

How hero follows Todrov’s theory
-    Starts with disruption as they’ve stolen money
-    Recognition when Enrique comes out the church. When they stop as they can no longer run away from him
-    As an attempt to restore he fights the gang
-    The new equilibrium is when Jennifer is left alone after he gets killed
-    The narrative sells Enrique as a heroic heart throb
-    Target audience females age 20

Band of horses – Dilly
-       Equilibrium exists for the bikers because neither of the town people or the bikers have met so neither knows one is a danger this is shown through cross cutting which demonstrates there is going to be a disruptions they are going to meet.
-       Disruption occurs when the bikers enter the bar and they start shooting which shows they like to be violent and so does the town people
-       Recognise neither one of them like each other and realise that violence will occur
-       Attempt to restore is the shoot out. Hippies use their fingers whilst the rednecks use their guns. Hippies come in peace, but are faced with violence and so react.
-       New equilibrium when the hippies ride off into the sunset and the town is faced with devastation
-       The narrative of the music video fits with the image of the band and helps sell their star image as alternative, country rockers.

Little mix- Black magic
-       Equilibrium in a collage. A typical day everyone is getting on with their day
-       Disruption when they get bullied for their looks
-       Recognition they find a magic book that creates a potion that makes there life better
-       Attempt to restore as they revenge back on the girl by making her fart which results in the boys losing interest in her
-       New equilibrium everyone in the school is treated equally no more bullies
-       The star image in the video is the 4 girls who are dressed in clothing that attracts the target audience which is young females

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